Hi my name is Mitch Lloyd
I'm a software engineer working on reduction.dev. You can see me tweet, see me program, and read things I write here.
Perspective on Names
Good Developer Tools Support Abstraction
Component State: Overcoming Tunnel Vision
React's Shallow Render - Tread Carefully
Be More Productive by Limiting Work in Progress
Write Your Next Web App with Ember CLI (Published on Smashing Magazine)
Still Programing Part 3: Why the Confusion?
Still Programing Part 2: Can't Someone Else Do It?
Still Programing Part 1: Making Programming Easy Enough for Everyone
Designing Mental Models for Ember
- August 2015
Speaking at San Franciso Ember Meetup about creating effective mental models to help developers program.
The Frontside Podcast Episode 23
- April 2015
Discussing Ember Islands, Ember observable chains, and training.
Ember Islands Lightning Talk
- April 2015
A lightning talk at 2015 Ember Conf about a new library that let's developers embedded Ember components in server-rendered HTML pages.
Hardware Integration with Rails
- September 2013
Lessons from a long-running project integrating hardware components with a Ruby on Rails application at 2013 Windy City Rails.