Before I say anything about shallow render testing with in React, we need some baseline testing principles.

  1. Tests should exercise public interfaces.

    Tests should use functions and objects as they are used in your application. This means that tests should not directly call private functions or access private variables.

  2. Testing should influence design.

    Tests are easier to write when modules are focused and easy to use. Difficulty in testing often exposes implicit dependencies and mixed concerns.

If these principles seem new then I recommend reading Growing Object Oriented Software Guided by Tests and Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby.

If you’re aware of these ideas but disagree with them then that’s great and I’d love to read about why. However, you might not get much out of this article.

Let’s look at two problems with shallow rendering.

Problem 1: Mocking implementation details is brittle and creates low value tests.

Here’s a module called subtract.js.

export default function subtract(a, b) {
  return add(a, b * -1);

function add(a, b) {
  return a + b;

Because JavaScript modules have a strict public interface, there’s really only one way we can test this.

import subtract from 'subtract';

it('subtracts', () => {
  expect(subtract(5, 3)).toBe(2);

But if we turned our simple function into an object or wrapped the add in an another function call we could use a mock.

export default class Subtractor {
  subtract(a, b) {
    return add(a, b * -1);

  _add() {
    return a + b;
import subtractor from 'subtract';

it('subtract calls _add and flips the sign of the second argument', () => {
  let addCalls = [];
  subtractor._add = (...args) => {
    return 'subtract-response';

  const result = subtractor.subtract(5, 3);

  expect(addCalls).toEqual([5, -3]);

it('has an _add method that adds numbers', () => {
  expect(subtractor._add(5, -3)).toBe(2);

Notice that:

  1. We need more assertions to make sure the code is working.
  2. It’s hard to tell what the intention of subtract is because we’re mired in its implementation details. It’s like we just wrote the inverse of the code under test.

Also it’s very brittle. What if we refactor our code?

export default class Subtractor {
  subtract(a, b) {
    return a - b;

Seems like a nice improvement and it doesn’t change the public interface, but the tests are broken.

Shallow Render

Let’s do the same thing with shallow rendering.

const MyComponent = ({ todos }) => (
    { => <ToDo key={} todo={todo} />)}

const ToDo = ({ todo }) => (

describe('<MyComponent />', () => {
  it('should render todos', () => {
    const todos = [{ id: 1, title: 'ToDo 1' }];
    const wrapper = shallow(<MyComponent todos={todos} />);

        <ToDo todo={todos[0]} />

describe('<ToDo />', () => {
  it('should show the title', () => {
    const todo = { title: 'ToDo 1' };
    const wrapper = shallow(<ToDo todo={todo} />);

      <li>ToDo 1</li>

Just like in our previous example we’re testing the interactions between two functions rather than just testing the output. Also like our previous example this test breaks when refactoring.

const MyComponent = ({ todos }) => (
    { => <li key={}>{todo.title}</li>)}

If we just render our components in the test the problem goes away:

describe('<MyComponent />', () => {
  it('should render todos', () => {
    const todos = [{ id: 1, title: 'ToDo 1' }]
    const html = render(<MyComponent todos={todos} />).html();
    expect(wrapper.html()).toEqual('<ul><li>ToDo 1</li></ul>');

At this point you might be thinking, “These are ridiculous, trivial cases! There is a reason we use shallow rendering. We have complicated stuff to test and we only want to test one component at a time.”

This brings me to the second problem.

Problem 2: Mocking private functions stifles design feedback.

I’m trying to keep these examples clear so bear with me and pretend we’ve got some very complicated functions that may have side effects.

export default function callIt(fn) {
  return mapIt(fn());

function mapIt(array) {

function decorateIt(item) {
  return `*${item}*`;

We want to test each function directly because they each represent a different concern. We’ll say that testing all this behavior by only calling callIt won’t cut it.

If we don’t change the code then we have no option but to start adding mocks.

it('callIt calls the passed function and then returns the result of mapIt', () => {
  // We need to mock `mapIt` here.

it('mapIt maps over each items and decorates it with decorateIt', () => {
  // We need to mock `decorateIt` here.

it('decorateIt adds asterixes around a string', () => {

Ugh. I can’t even bring myself to write the details of these hypothetical tests because they’re going to be so painful.

Actually there is one I don’t mind writing. decorateIt is just a pure function.

it('decorateIt adds asterixes around a string', () => {

mapIt is almost a pure function, but it is pulling in decorateIt from its outer scope. callIt is not a pure function, it has a side effect because it calls the function that was passed in and it implicitly depends on mapIt. If only we could untangle these dependencies, this would be a lot easier to test.

We’ll untangle by moving the coordination of these functions into a new function that composes them.

export default function compose(fn) {
  return mapIt(callIt(fn), decorateIt);

export default function callIt(fn) {
  return fn();

function mapIt(array, fn) {

function decorateIt(item) {
  return `*${item}$`;

Now testing callIt and mapIt is simple.

it('callIt calls the function and returns the result', () => {
  const someFn = () => 'result';


it('mapIt maps over each item with a function', () => {
  const fn = (i) => `${i}-mapped`;

  expect(mapIt(['a', 'b'], fn).toEqual(['a-mapped', 'b-mapped']);

We probably want a light test for compose that makes sure everything is wired up correctly, but we don’t need to test edge cases there.

it('compose does all the things', () => {
  const someFn = () => ['a', 'b'];

  expect(compose(someFn)).toEqual(['*a*', '*b*']);

This refactoring pattern shows up all the time and it goes by many names including “dependency injection”, “matchmaker”, “strategy pattern”, “composition” and “container vs presentation components”.

The point is, we made our code better by listening to the test pain. Does this have any bearing on React components?

Shallow Render

This pattern is so common when building components that I’m pretty sure most developers wouldn’t raise an eyebrow.

class ToDoApp extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { todos: request() };

  render() {
    return <ToDoList todos={this.state.todos} />;

const ToDoList = ({ todos }) => (
    { => <ToDo key={} todo={todo} />)}

const ToDo = ({ todo }) => (

Using shallow render here would make a lot of unnecessary testing work for ourselves. We can create a test that calls <ToDoApp /> and asserts that the result looks correct. No test pain here—seems good.

Now let’s say that the ToDoApp actually makes an AJAX call and shows a spinner while it loads and an error if it fails. The ToDoList component filters ToDos based on a search field. The ToDo component responds to different events from user input (typing, clicks, etc). Now we want to test each of these responsibilities on their own.

Shallow rendering provides a terse API for asserting on the internal interactions between components and the components that they own. The APIs are so nice that we would probably just write the tests and not change our code at all.

Here’s what the test for the ToDoApp would look like:

describe('<ToDoLoader />', () => {
  it('should render todos', () => {
    const todos = [{ id: 1, title: 'ToDo 1' }];
    const request = () => todos;
    const wrapper = shallow(<ToDoLoader request={request} />);
      <ToDoList todos={todos} />

And we would write similar tests for ToDoList and ToDo. The wrapper.equals assertion (made possible by React’s shallow rendering) is a concise way to make an assertion on the seam between the render function output and React’s rendering system. Unfortunately this test is still brittle and tied to implementation details.

Let’s do the same thing we did with our simple functions earlier and create a component to compose the others.

// Now responsible for composing.
const ToDoApp = () => (
  <ToDoLoader request={request}>
    {todos => <ToDoList todos={todos} ToDoComponent={ToDo} />}

// New component only responsible for loading behavior.
class ToDoLoader extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { todos: request() };

  render() {
    return <ToDoList todos={this.state.todos} />;

const ToDoList = ({ todos, ToDoComponent }) => (
    { => <ToDoComponent key={} todo={todo} />)}

const ToDo = ({ todo }) => (

If we have shallow rending tests in place they’ll fight us during this refactoring. Now we can write straight-forward tests.

describe('<ToDoApp />', () => {
  it('loads and renders todos', () => {
    const request = () => [{ id: 1, title: 'ToDo 1' }];
    const wrapper = render(<ToDoApp request={request} />);
      '<ul><li>ToDo 1</li></ul>'

describe('<ToDoLoader />', () => {
  it('loads a request and provides the response', () => {
    const request = () => 'response';
    const wrapper = render(
      <ToDoLoader request={request}>
        {(response) => <p>response</p>}

describe('<ToDoList />', () => {
  it('renders an item for each passed todo', () => {
    const todos = [{ id: 1 }];
    const ToDoComponent = ({ todo }) => <p>{}</p>;
    const wrapper = render(
      <ToDoList todos={todos} ToDoDecorator={ToDoComponent}/>

describe('<ToDo />', () => {
  it('renders a todo', () => {
    const todo = { title: 'ToDo 1' };
    const wrapper = render(
      <ToDo todo={todo} />
    expect(wrapper.html()).toEqual('<li>ToDo 1</li>');

Again, we’ve decomposed these components to a point that is ridiculous for the low level of complexity we have. We don’t actually need this flexibility for such a simple case. But even while writing these trivial tests, design questions arise:

  • The ToDoLoader has no idea that it’s working with ToDos. Probably this can be renamed and become a general purpose component.
  • The ToDoList has no idea what its children HTML will look like but it is represented by a ul element that has strict rules in HTML. Either we need to inline the ToDo element to couple this markup more tightly or make the markup more abstract and injectable.

Because we did not immediately turn to mocks and stubs in these tests, we created a system where the components are decoupled. This means that the design is more flexible. For instance:

  • We could reuse the ToDoLoader for other components that need this loading behavior.
  • We could pass in a different ToDoDecorator to render different kinds of ToDos.
  • The ToDoList component could easily be reused by just renaming todos and todo to something more general.

Automocking in General

From Facebook’s documentation about shallow rendering:

Shallow rendering lets you render a component “one level deep” and assert facts about what its render method returns, without worrying about the behavior of child components…

To clarify the termonology, “child components” here are components that are rendered inside of the top level element returned from the render function. This includes both components that are passed in as props.children to the component under test and components that are owned by the component under test. Basically we’re mocking every component invocation except the top one.

As a demonstration, shallow rendering will happily render this component and write a neat little test for it:

const MyComponent = (props) => (
  // RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
  <MyComponent />

it('all good', () => {
  const wrapper = shallow(<MyComponent />);
  expect(wrapper.equals(<MyComponent />).toBe(true);

Ember followed a similar course when it took its first stab at component unit tests in a “sandboxed” environment. Ultimately it found a better approach by using integrated component tests by default.

Facebook’s Jest testing library had “automocking” as a headline feature but recently disabled it by default noting:

We introduced automocking at Facebook and it worked great for us when unit testing was adopted in a large existing code base with few existing tests…

Many mock techniques that hide rigid design and couple themselves to implementation details are invaluable when you need to just “get coverage” over existing legacy code.

Buy if your use case is to just “get coverage” then why even have engineers write the assertions? If you accept that the current code is correct, you can easily retrofit assertions by rendering a component and then taking a snapshot of the output. Jest calls this Snapshot Testing.

From that post;

…engineers frequently told us that they spend more time writing a test than the component itself. As a result many people stopped writing tests altogether which eventually led to instabilities. Engineers told us all they wanted was to make sure their components don’t change unexpectedly.

However many engineers do not see testing as merely a tool to guard against unexpected changes. Some engineers write unit tests because they value the design feedback and the documented intent.

As development teams scale and as “code coverage” remains an important metric it’s clear to see that these tools are valuable. But for new code, hear my plea: let’s be mindful with mocking.